
These walls tighten around me as if an assassin’s own piano wire was at my throat

There is no time

I have to choose

I have been here before

The crossroads of yearning and unknowing

My heartbeat echoing itself throughout these empty chambers

I could escape this breathing labyrinth

Grab the mud covered hand that reaches for me

Tread til my shoes run bare and the blood from my heels mix with the clay

Or I could turn back

With what I know and what I don’t know as the true causes for retreat

And shelter myself in the thickest armor forged in the hottest fire


As all history suggests

I will play only the fool

And I will allow these walls to crush me

Dear Juliet

Dear Juliet,

Forgive me for my past mistakes.
I’ve learned from them and they have done nothing but make me stronger.
Every time I look into your eyes, I realize how real the moment is.
How in that second, I’m the most present I’ve ever been.

Dear Juliet,

It was never about your looks or your clothes.
I fell in love with your perseverance.  The way you endlessly assaulted the obstacles in front of you.
I fell in love with your true beauty.

Dear Juliet,

I’m far from perfect.  I’m wildly flawed and I’m not a prince.
I’ve been lost for a long time, and I still am.
Yet through this all, I promise to you all of my strength.
I vow to you that I will be your pillar.
My sweet, sweet Juliet, forget about your demons and don’t let go of my hand.
Don’t ever let go.

The Things That Men Actually Want in a Woman

I was going to do something for Valentine’s Day, but the timing wasn’t right.  Plus, it’s such a cheesy day to write something about romance.  Instead, I’ve got something for you now, a week later.  These are the things that I believe men look for in their women.  Please read this with an open mind, as my opinions may differ from those you have heard or made yourself.  Also, keep in mind, if you don’t agree with mine, then that’s okay because you know what they say about opinions right?




Now hold on.  Put down the sticks and stones and hear me out. The saying “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” is probably the truest thing next to mathematics.  As men, there are things that we look for in the beauty of a woman, and yes physical features are one of them.  Attraction is a deeply rooted thing, but it starts with appearances.  As much as I dislike the whole aspect of that, it’s true, and as a species we depend on it.  If you aren’t physically attracted to someone, then how do you expect to share your life with them?  Please try to understand what I’m saying when I tell you that men have certain physical qualities they rate above others.  These could be anything and everything about you.  To me, it is the eyes.  The eyes tell a story that has no beginning and no real end.  The eyes can’t lie, and they truly are the window to the soul.  The eyes defy everything that you once knew.  They do it for me.  Looking deep into someone’s eyes is a connection unlike any other.




We want a partner.  We don’t want someone who is going to cling to us and follow our every move.  We don’t want a mindless person who is going to do whatever we ask.  We truly want discussion.  We want a person to debate things with.  Whether it is over who is running for the next presidential election or what kind of toppings to get on a pizza, we want women to have some spunk to them.  Men truly are simple creatures, but that doesn’t mean we want a robot.  Believe it or not, fights are healthy in a relationship.  It shows character, and it reflects values.  Whether or not people can move past these fights and learn from them are where most things go wrong.  Please understand men want a woman who is going to put everything into a relationship, but stay themselves as a person.  A person with ideas, flaws, quirks, and especially values.




I can’t stress this enough.  If you can’t be honest with yourself about what you want in a relationship, then there is no way that you can be honest with somebody else.  At no point in a relationship should you question why you are with someone.  Because where there is doubt, there is reason.  For the thought to cross your head in the first place there is enough evidence to support where it came from.  Whether you or your partner did something you feel guilty of, or things are just falling apart, there is reason enough to doubt the validity of your relationship.  Men like to be absolutely certain that they there is nothing wrong.  We’re straightforward for the most part, and expect you to be as well.  When there is a problem, we want to fix it as soon as possible, especially when it comes to you.  So be real with us, and you’ll get our absolute best.




There is nothing, and I mean nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants.  Listen up ladies, men are stupid creatures.  We really are.  We don’t understand the subtle hints you give us.  We truly don’t pick up on those things.  What we respond to most is absolute confidence.  The phrase “I like you” is so powerful coming from a woman.  As a guy, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but you won the war a long time ago.  We may act as if we’re up on our horses and we’re in control, but it’s far from the truth.  You could drag us along for miles before we even realize we’re moving.  You girls are so intimidating it’s not even funny.  The worst part is, the more we get close to you, the more intimidating you become.  Confidence is huge because it is one of those things that a person is just born with.  Now I’m not telling all you women out there to make the first move or whatever, but for the love of everything holy do a man a solid and let us know.




We like that you are like no other, and with that we want everything that comes with you.  Your humor and how no matter the time of day your quirky one liners always seem to get us to smile.  How quickly you get over silly drama things that are going on in life.  How serious you become when the topic switches to something you’re compassionate about.  You intelligence and how you have a level of understanding that no degree can match.  Your humility, yet how you are still so proud of your accomplishments.  Your grace and how at times you have none.  Your ability to trust even though you have been so hurt by people you have trusted in the past.  Your ability to forgive those who have done wrong to you, because you understand the problems that they themselves must have been facing.  So many things that forge you as a person, we love it and want it every second of every day.




Here’s a secret everybody.  Everybody hurts.  We want to know that you’re going to be there for us in our deepest lows.  Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies in the realm of man.  It takes a lot for things to get to us, but when they do, they really do, whether we show it or not.  We need your compassion.  It’s the small things too.  Compassion for animals, family, friends, and more.  All of that reflects who you are as a loving individual.  Sometimes all us guys want is to lay our head on you and fall asleep.  You ease our anger.  You help with the tension in our lives, just by being available to see.  It’s a simple process, but it all stems from your compassion.


Dear ladies, I can’t stress this enough when I say do not change for anyone.  Nobody wants you to conform to what they’re looking for in a girl.  Nobody wants you to squeeze into the mold that you can’t squeeze into.  You were structured to make someone extremely happy – don’t forget that.  The above is what I believe men want in a woman.  I could be very off what another guy thinks.  That doesn’t make my depiction of a woman any more significant to his does, and vice versa.  Remember, for every person I truly believe that there is someone out there who will fit your mold exactly.  Love and attraction are universal things, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.